Farming Twilight Cultists in Silithus for gold

Likely the most popular and most farmed spot in the game outside of new content is the transmog farm in Silithus. These Twilight Cultists have a large loot table of some of the most popular and expensive transmog sets in the game. Want the Jade set? You can get it here. How about the Glorious set? You got it. Vanguard? Sure thing. It’s as if these Cultists are asking to be slaughtered by the dozens with loot like that.

Twilight Base Camp

Twilight Base Camp in Silithus.

In the very middle of Silithus, just southwest of Cenarion Hold is the Twilight Base Camp. This area is swarming with Twilight mobs to the point of making it very dangerous to quest in if you’re at their level. At max level though it should be easy, right? Well, yes, but actually no.

Twilight cultists

Twilight cultists.

At the end of Legion when level scaling of mobs occurred someone at Bliz made the decision that these specific mobs are being farmed too heavily, so something had to be done. Taking an odd stance for once, the developers put the nerf bat away and instead pulled out the buff baton and beat these cultists with it like it was personal. The end result? These mobs’ health pools are massively disproportionate to their actual level. As a fresh 120 fighting a level 60 you would expect to 1 shot them, however these cultists can take a beating. In fact, with an ilvl (Item Level) 350 you might complete 1 entire rotation on them before they actually drop.

Twilight mobs

Twilight mobs.

Don’t be disheartened though because once you hit ilvl 400 and beyond the cultists just cannot keep up with the damage output and start dropping like flies. Still, keep that in mind when sending a character out there to farm. A level 110 in greens will be less than ideal for this farm.

All that being said, this farm is super simple. Run around, kill everything, loot, profit.

Most people who do this farm prefer doing it in groups; either a full group of 5 or a 2×4 farm. Odds are you will be able to find a group under group finder looking for people to join up because since these are quest mobs they will hyperspawn making it much more efficient to kill them in a full group and once every 2 minutes loot all the copses.

A few of the many high value items that you can get from this farm are:

The Glorious Legplates

Glorious Legplates

Glorious Legplates can fetch a lot of coin at the auction house.

The Vanguard Legplates

Vanguard Legplates

Vanguard legplates.

Teebu’s Blazing Longsword

Teebu's Blazing Longsword

Teebu’s Blazing Longsword is highly valuable.

The Blade Of Hanna

Blade of Hanna

Blade of Hanna can be sold expensively.

Farming macro

You can use the following macro:


/target Twi

/cast sunfire

Sunfire assumes that you are a druid. For other classes, use another attack spell or ability instead, preferably one that is instant.

Additional notes

  • Rare MobTwilight Lord Everun is a rare mob that spawns quite frequently in this area. He has nothing worth mentioning in his loot table and you likely will not even notice killing him while you farm.
  • Hyperspawn – These mobs are part of a quest, meaning that the game will force spawn mobs if there is only a small number available. The faster you kill the mobs the faster they will spawn.
  • Group Farm – Because this is a hyperspawn, invite your friends to a group, spread out, and kill everything together. The faster the mobs die the faster they respawn.