Bronze Whelpling & Time-Locked Box farming guide

The Iron Horde wasn’t good for much, however thanks to them meddling with the timestream we were able to at last find the long lost Bronze Whelpling. This pet was originally supposed to be in Vanilla (i.e. WoW Classic) and even had its own model render and everything, however many things were left on the developer’s table for potential future use, including this whelpling. But thanks to Garrosh Hellscream rampaging through time, we are now able to catch our very own.

Time-Locked Box

Time-Locked Box

Bronze Whelpling

Bronze Whelpling

In the Warlords of Draenor (WOD) version of The Blasted Lands to the north resided the Ironmarch stronghold of Okril’lon Hold. Of all of the evil and immoral actions taken by the Iron Horde, the worst by far is keeping adorable Bronze Whelps inside tiny time-locked boxes.

Okril’lon Hold

Okril’lon Hold in The Blasted Lands.

Ironmarch Orcs

Ironmarch orcs.

All of the Ironmarch Orcs in the fort have a chance to drop the item ranging from 0.2% to 0.8%, so make sure you have your killing pants on. RNG can be a fickle mistress so even though an average of 1 every 150 kills might not seem too bad, plan on being here at least an hour for a solid chance of getting the pet.

You can use the following macro:


/target Iron

/cast sunfire

Sunfire assumes that you are a druid. For other classes, use another attack spell or ability instead, preferably one that is instant.

Bronze Whelpling

Bronze Whelpling.

Now when it comes to selling pets, take note that you can sell both the Time-Locked Box as well as the caged Bronze Whelpling. Meaning that if you farm up two of them you can learn one, cage it, and post both versions on the Auction House as separate items. This gives you twice the chances of selling it and covers more area. I would recommend farming up 3 or more, posting 1 caged version and one Time-Locked Box. Keep the other box in your bank and use it to replace either one that sells first. This way you can spend less time revisiting this farm and more time farming elsewhere.

Additional notes

  • Nothing else of value – These mobs’ loot tables have nothing but trash grey items and this pet. So do not bother looking for greens or other items you can sell because quite literally the only item that is not grey that is dropped by the Ironmarch Orcs is the Time-Locked Box.
  • Hyperspawn – These mobs are part of a quest, meaning that the game will force spawn mobs if there is only a small number available. The faster you kill the mobs the faster they will spawn.
  • Group Farm – Because this is a hyperspawn, invite your friends to a group, spread out, and kill everything together. The faster the mobs die the faster they respawn.