Best WoW auction house addons (partial list)

Auctionator addon

Auctionator is my favorite auction house addon. It’s very simple to use and adds many incredible features. With this addon installed, you’ll see new tabs in the auction house window, that easily let you buy and sell items very fast. You can also easily check if someone has undercut your auctions, in other words if someone is selling the same item cheaper than you. In that case, there’s a feature so you can quickly cancel your auctions and relist them. Auctionator can scan the auction house and keep a database which allows you to see the normal price ranges of items, so you know when it’s time to sell your inventory, or stack up on cheap items. You can also create clickable shopping lists for the most common items you look for; no more typing in the name of every item every time. There are numerous other features as well, so it’s one I highly recommend.

Auctioneer addon

Auctioneer was one of the first really popular WoW auction house addons, and no list would be complete without mentioning it. If you really want to take auction house trading to the next level, then Auctioneer is for you. It has tons of advanced functions, that allow you to make lots of gold from your auctions. Auctioneer can scan your auction house and keep track of the price and fluctuations of every single item it finds, so you know what the normal price is and whether prices are unusually high or low. It has modules that show you the disenchant value of items, too, so if you want to buy items to disenchant and put the materials back for sale, you can easily do that. Auctioneer can also show you item values in your tooltip, so whenever you’re out questing or farming items and find something new, you can see how much it’s worth on the auction house. It has a lot of other features as well.

The Undermine Journal

It’s really important to know the value that various items have on the auction house, whether you’re farming, grinding, crafting, auction house trading or using the AH in any manner. But what if you don’t have time to log in to WoW every day and scan your auction house with an addon like Auctionator or similar to keep your own price database up to date? Worry not, because The Undermine Journal has you covered. It’s an addon that connects to a database of prices based on your realm’s economy for your faction (i.e. Horde or Alliance) and automatically shows you the value of any item in your tooltips, so you don’t have to keep track of that yourself. Quite handy, especially if you only play WoW sporadically but still want accurate AH prices all the time.